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Authorisation by Guinea-Bissau

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INSB Class attains RO status by Guinea-Bissau

INSB Class is delighted to announce that has validated an IMO Model Agreement with the International Ships Registry of Guinea – Bissau (G-B International), that enables INSB Class to perform RO/RSO services to Guinea – Bissau flagged vessels on a full authorization basis.

As an authorized Recognized Organization (RO) by the  International Ships Registry of Guinea – Bissau (G-B International), INSB Class is now duly empowered for the performance of  surveying and certification activities directly relevant to the major international conventions, codes and national regulations for vessels flying the flag of Guinea-Bissau.

This latest RO recognition and delegation by the International Ships Registry of Guinea – Bissau (G-B International) strengthens and complements the growing acceptability and confidence that INSB Class instills in Flag States, and is consistent with the society’s strategic direction of continuing to elevate and diversify its service portfolio for shipowners and operators alike, while strengthening its relationships and cooperation with National Maritime Authorities and International Ship Registers (ISRs).

For more information regarding the International Ships Registry of Guinea – Bissau (G-B International) click here

Download here the updated consolidated listings of INSB Class RO delegations by Flag States: INSB Class | Flag Authorizations – March (pdf)