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Statutory Services

Survey & Certification


As a trusted and independent Recognized Organization, we survey, assess and certify compliance with IMO standards for ships safety, environmental performance and crew competence.

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Survey & Certification

Statutory related verification activities are delivered through our competent surveyors who board vessels in line with the periodic survey program, throughout the phases of design, construction & operation of ships and offshore unit installations.

During on board surveys, INSB Class surveyors verify level of conformity of IMO International safety instruments, Flag State National Regulations in force, unified interpretations of statutory related norms together with relevant Flag State interpretations.

Full Term Certificates are issued by INSB Class Head Office exclusively, unless there is a certain Government requirement where full-term certificates are issued by the country itself.

Whenever applicable – for IMO instruments entering into force- INSB Class shall issue a Statement of Compliance until Flag State(s) have accessed to the particular IMO instrument(s).