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Building on strengths and expertise


For nearly 50 years, drawing on our Greek maritime roots, we have provided unbiased technical services to help ship operators meet regulatory compliance and classification requirements.


Our industry is constantly evolving and brings forward novelties, technical advances, and greener practices in the quest for energy efficiency, decarbonization and global sustainability.

Blending the alignment of the qualities, experience and skills of the INSB Class people with our corporate mission and with our strong maritime culture for safety and performance, we build trust in shipping, yachting and offshore segments while promoting trusted relationships with maritime stakeholders.


    We are committed to helping our customers and their operated fleet remain compliant amid an increasing array of maritime regulations.

    We build trust and raise confidence by delivering our services from an objective, transparent and independent standpoint. Our services for shipping are delivered with competence, integrity and transparency in compliance with the global applicable standards and INSB Class pertinent Rules. We support the marine industry by rendering objective advice, technical assistance and impartial guidance for the fulfilment of safety and security related compliance.

    We provide a diverse and broad spectrum of technical services including survey and classification of ships and marine structures, statutory surveys on behalf of an expanded number of delegating Flag States as well as Marine Management Systems and Environmental compliance certification.

    INSB Class assists and supports daily its growing customer base to maintain sustainable ship safety and regulatory compliance while protecting the marine environment via credible and accredited technical services and solutions.

    Our performance orientation and knowledge over application of numerous safety standards enables us to provide an array of technical conformity services. INSB Class worldwide stationed professionals remain within a local reach, understanding your service expectations from a reliable partner for the modern maritime world.

    Through our eight (8) regional stations supported by 80+ surveyors and professionals, INSB Class has the ability to deliver high expertise and value-added customer experience, with agility and speed of response, internationally.

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View our free Shipping Services brochure to discover how we can help your fleet meet ship safety and regulatory compliance through reliable ship classification services and technical solutions.


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to discuss your new project.

Our team of experts stands ready to assist ship operators with fleet safety and environmental compliance as we maintain a high level of responsiveness for technical support and timely solutions.

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