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Authorisation by Sierra Leone (SL MARAD)

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Effective 2nd September 2021, we are pleased to announce that INSB Class has been awarded Recognized Organization (RO) status by the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SL MARAD), raising the total number of governmental licenses to 39.

INSB Class is now authorized for the performance of ship related classification and statutory surveys leading to the issue of pertinent certification for ships flying the Sierra Leone flag.

RO authorization status was granted to INSB Class following an onsite flag state RO audit and assessment to its Head Office, which confirmed INSB Class compliance with SL MARAD’s policies and regulations as well as the IMO RO Code requirements.

INSB Class welcomes the achievement of its RO delegation by Sierra Leone Maritime Administration being consistent with the society’s strategic direction aiming to broaden its RO recognition and acceptability and therefore elevate and diversify its service portfolio for shipowners and operators alike while strengthening its relations and cooperation with national Maritime Authorities and international Ship Registers (ISRs).