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INSB Class in top ranks of the USCG PSC Report 2018

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The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has published its Annual Port State Control (PSC) Report and Annual Class Performance List for 2018.

The report provides key statistics related to enforcement of international requirements with regard to foreign flag vessels calling in US ports as well as on the safety performance of Flag States and Recognized Organizations.

2016- 2018| Safety Compliance Performance

Basis the published performance results for the year 2018 and the 3-year rolling period 2016-2018 relevant to Class societies, INSB Class remained for a 6th consecutive year in the top performing group of class societies with a detention ratio of 0%.

In 17 individual vessel examinations received in the period 2016 to 2018 (distinct arrivals), INSB Class was not attributed with any RO related detention and thus continues its unbroken presence amongst the top performers in the USCG Port State Control Reports, since 2013.

INSB Class consistent positive PSC performance highlights its commitment to applying safety norms and verifying compliance for its certified fleet.

INSB Class shall continue to demonstrate an increased focus and care with regards to the application and verification of applicable safety norms to ensure that its register fleet continues to meet required IMO safety regulations and INSB Class Rules, with the aim for sustained Quality Shipping and safer seas.

INSB Class | USCG Approval

Since 2006, INSB Class remains approved by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) for Classification Society activities under 46 CFR part 2, subpart 2.45 , in reflection of its commitment to achieve ever-higher standards.

INSB classed vessels freely operate in the United States waters, on the same basis with IACS classed fleet.

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