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INSB Class in top ranks-USCG Annual Report 2013

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The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has published its Annual Port State Control (PSC) Report and Annual Class Performance List for the year 2013.

INSB Class is listed within the best-performing group of class societies, with a detention ratio of 0%.  In a total of 36 vessel examinations (distinct arrivals) there was no any determination of class responsibility detention, to an I.N.S.B. classed vessel.

Since the year 2006, INSB Class maintains the status of a Coast Guard approved Classification Society (under the requirements of 46 U.S.C. 3316 (c) (2) ) enabling the society to review, examine, survey, or certify the construction, repair, or alteration of a vessel in the United States.  INSB Classed fleet operates on same basis with IACS classed fleet within the U.S waters.

For the USCG Annual Report 2013 click here