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INSB Class @ Posidonia 2018

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Where:  Metropolitan Expo
When:   4-8 June 2018

About Posidonia
Posidonia is known to be the greatest and most versatile exhibition of the global marine industry.

This year, Posidonia will open its gates on 4th June and will remain accessible till the 8th June 2018

INSB Class @ Posidonia 2018
INSB Class, has sets sails for its 4th consecutive Posidonia participation, will be delighted to meet in our corporate stand with colleagues, clients and stakeholders throughout the Expo duration.

Come and talk to us
Our executives and experts shall be happy to get social, share views and offer guidance on how INSB Class can assist your fleet within the complex and demanding regulatory compliance context of our industry. Come and talk to us about the most important challenges for your fleet and get our expert advice!

This June, everybody’s welcomed on board our corporate stand!

The INSB Class – Posidonia team