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INSB Class & Turk Loydu

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INSB Class & Turk Loydu sign joint Cooperation on Rules & Research Activities

Greek ship classification society, International Naval Surveys Bureau-INSB Class and Turk Loydu, Istanbul signed on Friday 06 March 2015 a Memorandum of Cooperation for common work on technical and technological fields.

This synergy will facilitate both organizations to actualize joint technical research programs, Rules and Regulations development & update, as well as information exchange and training. The agreement will also allow for even greater technical and personal exchange between the two societies.

The Memorandum was validated by Turk Loydu Chairman of the Board of Trustees Mustafa ZORLU and INSB Class President and Managing Director Pantelis CHINAKIS on behalf of their respective organizations at a signing ceremony held in Turk Loydu Head quarters in Istanbul with the co-attendance of high rank officials from both societies.

Speaking on the occasion, the two senior officials confirmed their excellent relationship and the belief that the conclusion of this Memorandum will build even stronger ties between the two societies in the future.