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INSB MEA | Refresher Training

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Within our efforts to continue providing quality and reliable services and recognizing the importance of investing in training of our Worldwide Network of Surveyors and experts who perform work affecting the quality of the final service provided, INSB Class Head Office in cooperation with its MEA Regional Office, organized a Refreshment Training workshop, held in Beirut between 27-29 October 2017.

Experienced Tutors from INSB Class Head Office and namely the Vice President, Mr. Nikos Nesteroulis and the Lead Surveyor & Head of Appraisal Division, Mr. Konstantinos Koutalis, leaded the extensive presentations and engagement with the participating Surveyors from the INSB Class MEA Regional office, providing them important insights on surveying &  verification of regulatory compliance, trends and upcoming norms as well as enhanced their practical understanding by means of “real-life” case studies.

Among the core issues presented and discussed were: Port State Control Performance and INSB Class’s proactive approach, enforcement of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention   from a Classification point of view as well as the implementation of the EU MRV Regulation within the Paris Mou Region.

During the workshop, attendees had the opportunity to exchange views and approach on challenges facing the maritime domain which stimulated some interesting discussions and promoted further the cooperation level between INSB Head Office and its MEA Regional team.