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MYBA POP-UP Super yacht show 2017

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INSB Class attended the 3rd MYBA Pop Up Super Yacht Show 2017 which was held in the new yacht hotspot of the Mediterranean, the Porto Montenegro, from 8 to 10 September.

Voted TYHA Super yacht Marina of the Year in 2015, Porto Montenegro hosted  the 3rd MYBA pop-up super yacht show which attracted many distinguished firms of the yachting industry and was host to numerous  well organized events, complementing the large number of participating yachts.

INSB Class attended the super yacht show jointly with senior officials from Piraeus head office and the INSB local office yacht experts in Montenegro and had the opportunity to follow up on yachting trends and interact among yacht owners, managers, chartering companies and yacht brokers.

Visits were realized also on board INSB Class certified yachts which were participating to the MYBA super yacht show, giving the pleasant opportunity to meet in person captains and crew on board.

Together with its core ship classification activities and with a strong orientation towards the yachting segment, INSB Class performs yacht survey and certification services as delegated by St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Greece, Barbados, Cook Islands as well as for other reputed Flag Administrations, in compliance with their dedicated yacht codes and IMO statutory requirements, as applicable.

INSB Class yachting services in Greece are provided through the Piraeus Head office supported by its domestic network of survey locations spread within the Greek territory.

For Montenegro and Croatia region, INSB Class holds a local site station strategically positioned with in the area of Porto Montenegro, headed by its qualified yacht expert, Mr. Predrag Dulic.