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PARIS MOU Annual Report 2017

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The Paris MOU recently released its Annual Report 2017 and the 3-year rolling RO Performance lists for the period 2015-2107.

Based on the performance results scored, INSB Class continued to demonstrate further improvement of its PSC recordings within the European PSC Region by being listed as the 12th best performing organization -from a total of 34 entities being recorded.

This represents a further step up compared to the previous reporting period of year 2016 (where INSB Class was ranked as 13th best).

In more particular, during the 3-year Paris MoU reporting period 2015-2017, INSB Class scored a total of 576 inspections versus 6 RO attributed detentions, resulting to an overall excess factor of just 0.04 reaching the limit towards the “high” performance rank.

To achieve such positive PSC performance standards, INSB Class remained committed to implementing a series of PSC prevention measures which proved highly effective.

Notably, INSB Class 576 inspections represent the 10th larger number of inspection amongst the reflected 34 organizations.

Such a sustained and factual positive performance reflects our dedication and strong commitment for safety and quality shipping and rewards the confidence INSB Class enjoys from ship operators and other industry’s stakeholders.

The new Paris MoU 2017 Performance lists will take effect as of 1 July 2018.