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Proud Sponsor of the 2017 Safety4Sea Conference & Awards

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INSB Class continuous to endorse and be among the proud sponsors to the 2017 SAFETY4SEA Conference which will take place @Eugenides Foundation on Oct. 04th 2017.

Moreover, at the Award Ceremony which is scheduled for Tuesday 3rd of October of 2017 at the Yacht Club of Greece, INSB Class & its Vice President Mr. Nikos Nesteroulis – will have the honor to hand over the SAFETY4SEA Technology Award to the winner of the shortlisted nominees of this category.

This year’s SAFETY4SEA  award categories:

  1. SAFETY4SEA  Dry Bulk Operator Award
  2. SAFETY4SEA  Tanker Operator Award
  3. SAFETY4SEA  Technology Award  (Sponsored by INSB Class)
  4. SAFETY4SEA  Training Award
  5. SAFETY4SEA  Initiative Award
  6. SAFETY4SEA  Personality Award
  7. SAFETY4SEA  Life Time Achievement Award

Our officials shall be happy to get social, share views and offer guidance on how INSB Class can assist your fleet.

See you there!

Links for more details on the event: