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Technical Notices

China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) Special Campaign on Prevention of Ship Machinery Failure

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The China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) has issued a notice announcing a special safety inspection period to prevent the failure of ships’ mechanical and electrical equipment. In particular, China MSA will conduct detailed inspections of ships’ electromechanical equipment in conjunction with daily ship safety inspections, for vessels calling PRC ports (including berthing, load or discharging in the PRC) and navigating within port areas.

Period of extra inspections: 7 April 2024 – 31 October 2024

In case of a mechanical or electrical failure, vessels are to voluntarily report to the local MSA and accept any special safety checks the MSA will request if required. The MSA will not focus its attention on vessels transiting through waters that may not cause danger to navigation safety unless incident occurs due to a vessel’s mechanical or electrical failures.

China MSA will be requesting a special inspection on vessels which have had two machinery failures within a 12-month period starting April 7th, 2023. MSA will invite the respective Class Society to take part in the special inspection.

Additionally, China MSA will be reviewing the root cause analysis report on the malfunctions, corrective and prevention measures taken to prevent similar occurrences.

Any vessels found to have not reported mechanical or electrical failures may be subject to penalties by the MSA.

There is a list with focus items that the MSA will inspect for functionality and good order.

  • Main Engine (ME)
  • Safety, Monitoring and Remote-Control devices of ME
  • Ship Steam Boiler
  • Main Power, including Generator Engine (GE), Generator and Main Switchboard
  • Emergency Source of Power
  • Steering Gear/Redundancy
  • Crew Capability, competence and familiarity with above systems
  • Effective implementation of Safety Management System (SMS) related to ship maintenance

Actions required

  1. Shipowners and operators are recommended to enhance the maintenance of vessels’ mechanical and electrical equipment and key items to be checked based upon the MSA Guide on Special Self-Check to Prevent Vessel Mechanical and Electrical Failures prior to sailing and before arrival in Chinese ports and prepare accordingly.
  2. Report any failure on above systems prior entering China’s ports
  3. Crew members should be aware of potential mechanical and electrical failures and have emergency plans in place that they may reasonably encounter in different scenarios (e.g., narrow waterways, at anchorage, in port areas and at open sea in close proximity of other vessels). Crew members should be properly trained and drill in the emergency plan.
Open the Technical Notice in pdf