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Technical Notices

Compliance with the EU Ship Recycling Regulation – COVID-19 impact

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As informed by INSB Class Technical Notice No 8/20 dated 26.10.2020 , EC has published Commission Notice (2020/C 349/01) considering the disruptions caused by COVID-19.

INSB Class will issue a conditional SOC with validity for maximum 4 months, but not later than 30 June 2021 for the vessels with a semi completed IHM without the on-board sampling element, subject to the agreement of the flag state.

On the other hand, when a vessel that without carrying on board a valid IHM and/or accompanying certificate calls at a port in an EU member state after December 31, 2020, the shipowner or master should provide “a service contract for sampling or a survey (quoted from the Commission Notice)” as evidence that all possible steps have been taken to obtain an IHM (including a “semi-completed IHM”) certification, and documents proving why the semi-completed IHM could not be obtained.

Such documents should be prepared by the shipowner with the cooperation of the IHM expert.

In order to assist in document verification in the above cases, INSB Class will provide a “IHM status letter” indicating the status of IHM certification for ships that have applied to INSB Class for IHM Certification and have submitted a Visual/Sampling Check Plan (VSCP).

Please note that this letter is only one part of the proof required during ship (PSC) inspections in Europe and other documents may also be required to be presented.

Open the Technical Notice in pdf