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Technical Notices

Flag Circulars related to ISM/ISPS/MLC

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Last amendment of this Circular: Jul 2023
Current revision: 24

INSB Class MMSC Division has developed the present circular to help Managing Companies and INSB Class Auditors to have an easy access and understanding of flag Administrations’ (which have authorized INSB) circulars, to be all together and presented grouped under the ISM/ISPS Codes and MLC, 2006.

Present includes, as per MMSC Division’s judgment, all Administration’s circulars, notices, instructions, requirements, which are directly related to ISM/ISPS Codes and MLC, 2006 but also circulars which are indirectly related to these codes/convention and helping the understanding and implementation of same.

We have indicated under of each circular, in bullet points, the main circular’s requirements; however the reading of the whole circular is necessary in order the thoroughly understanding to be obtained.

The circulars are periodically updated, according to available information of administrations’ web sites.

Although all efforts made to highlight the Administrations’ circulars/notices requirements, in relation with the ISM/ISPS Codes and MLC, 2006, we cannot guarantee the preciseness, updates and completeness of present circular.

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