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Technical Notices

The 2022 Amendments to Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006

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The 110th session of the International Labour Conference held in June 2022 approved the amendments to Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006 and will enter into force from 23 December 2024.

The main amendments related to the following:

 Standard A3.1 (Accommodation and recreational facilities)

Appropriate recreational facilities including social connectivity adapted to the special needs of seafarers, including reasonable access to ship-to-shore telephone communications, where available, and internet access.  Any charges for the use of these services being reasonable in amount.

 Standard A3.2 (Food and catering)

(1) Food and drinking water are to be provided free of charge to the seafarer during the period of engagement.

(2) Meals provided to the seafarer are to be balanced and nutritious.

(3) Supplies of food and drinking water in relation to their quantity, nutritional value, quality and variety are to be inspected on bard by the master.

 Standard A4.3 (Health and safety protection and accident prevention)

Appropriately sized personal protective equipment as a reasonable precaution to prevent occupational accidents, injuries and illnesses are to be provided to all seafarers on board.

 Appendix 2-1/4-1 (Evidence of financial security)

A name of the MLC shipowner was to be described on a documentary evidence of financial security under Regulation 2.5.2 and 4.2 until now, but a name of the registered owner may be described if different from the MLC shipowner.

Since, at least presently, not all flag States have issued instructions for amendments to the DMLC Part I which could necessitate changes to the DMLC Part II or other shipowner procedures, MLC Shipowners are advised to keep a close check on any Flag State relevant updates and make sure that their procedures adequately address the above amendments.

MLC Shipowners is to take note of above amendments to MLC, 2006 and are advised as follows:

  1. Review their processes to ensure they include the amended requirements no later than 23 December 2024.
  2. Ensure timely renewal of existing Maritime Labour Certificates and DMLC Part I & Part II in accordance with the vessel’s Flag Administration instructions.

Presently, not all flag States have issued instructions for amendments to the DMLC Part I which could necessitate changes to the DMLC Part II or other shipowner procedures) MLC Shipowners are advised to keep a close check on any Flag State relevant updates

 The amendments to various Regulations of the MLC Standard includes following (highlighted in bold):


Paragraph 5(c)(vi) of Standard A1.4 amended and requires –

Private Recruitment and Placement Services (PRPS) to establish a system of protection, by way of insurance or an equivalent appropriate measure, to compensate seafarers for monetary loss that they may incur as a result of the failure of a recruitment and placement service or the relevant shipowner under the seafarers’ employment agreement to meet its obligations to them, and ensure that seafarers are informed, prior to or in the process of engagement, of their rights under that system.


A new Paragraph 9 is included under Standard A2.5.1, requiring –

Member States to facilitates the prompt repatriation of seafarers, including when they are deemed abandoned within the meaning of Standard A2.5.2, paragraph 2. Port States, flag States and labour-supplying States shall cooperate to ensure that the seafarers engaged on a ship to replace seafarers who have been abandoned in their territory, or on a ship flying their flag, shall be accorded their rights and entitlement under the MLC 2006.


Paragraph 17 of Standard A3.1 is amended and requires-

Appropriate seafarers’ recreational facilities, amenities, and services, including social connectivity, as adapted to meet the special needs of seafarers who must live and work on ships, be provided on board for the benefit of all seafarers, taking into account Regulation 4.3 and the associated Code provisions on health and safety protection and accident prevention.


Paragraph 2(a) of Standard A3.2 is amended and requires:

Food and drinking water supplies, are considered based on the number of seafarers on board, their religious requirements, and cultural practices as they pertain to food, and the duration and nature of the voyage, and shall be suitable in respect of quantity, nutritional value, quality, and variety, and shall be provided free of charge during the period of engagement.

Paragraph 2(b) of Standard A3.2 is amended and requires:

The organization and equipment of the catering department shall be such as to permit the provision to the seafarers of adequate, varied, balanced prepared and served in hygienic conditions.

Paragraph 7(a) of Standard A3.2 is amended and requires:

The Master carries out frequent documented inspections on supplies of food and drinking water in relation to their quantity, nutritional value, quality, and variety.


New Paragraph 5 is included under Standard A4.1, requiring:

Each Member States to ensure prompt disembarkation of seafarers in need of immediate medical care from ships in its territory and access to medical facilities ashore for the provision of appropriate treatment.

New Paragraph 6 is included under Standard A4.1 requiring:

Where a seafarer has died during a ship’s voyage. The Member State in whose territory the death has occurred or, where the death has occurred on the high seas, into whose territorial waters the ship next enters, shall facilitate the repatriation of the body or ashes by the shipowner, in accordance with the wishes of the seafarer or their next of kin, as appropriate.


Paragraph 1(b) of Standard A4.3 is amended and requires:

Reasonable precautions are undertaken to prevent occupational accidents, injuries, and diseases on board ship, including through the provision of all necessary appropriately-sized personal protective equipment and measures to reduce and prevent the risk of exposure to harmful levels of ambient factors and chemicals, as well as the risk of injury or disease that may arise from the use of equipment and machinery on board ships.

A new Paragraph 5(a) is included under Standard A4.3 requiring each Members to ensure that:

All deaths of seafarers employed, engaged, or working on board ships are adequately investigated and recorded, and reported, on an annual basis, to the Director-General of the International Labour Office to be published in a global register.


Appendix A2-I – Evidence of financial security under Regulation 2.5,

paragraph 2 -Replace item (g) by the following: (g) name of the shipowner, or of the registered owner if different from the shipowner;

Appendix A4-I – Evidence of financial security under Regulation 4.2 Replace item (g) by the following:

(g) name of the shipowner, or of the registered owner if different from the shipowner;

Ship Masters and the Company is to take note of above amendments to MLC, 2006 and are advised as follows:

  1. Review their processes to ensure they include the amended requirements no later than 23 December 2024, as the rights and obligations of the seafarers and shipowners as effected by the 2022 amendments to MLC, 2006 apply form the date of entry into force.
  2. Ensure timely renewal of existing Maritime Labour Certificates and DMLC Part I & Part II in consultation with the vessel’s Flag Administration or their RO.

Recruitment and Placement Services (RPS) are also advised to be guided by above and accordingly revise their procedures and comply with the amended MLC requirements by 23 December 2024.

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