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USCG | Top 5 PSC detention areas in 2015-MSIB 16-15

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The U.S. Coast Guard published in December 2015 its Marine Safety Information Bulletin, or MSIB, 16-15 to address the top five deficiency areas that its Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) recorded onboard foreign vessels and have led to detentions in 2015.

The purpose of the bulletin MSIB 16-15 is a two-fold one:

  • to share information so that owners, operators and other involved parties can take proactive steps to identify and correct substandard conditions of safety and
  • environmental stewardship, before port state control action is necessary.

According to the MSIB 16-15 the following items have been identified as the top five areas of deficiency:

  • Maintenance of ship and equipment – ISM Code
  • Oily water separating  (OWS) equipment – MARPOL
  • Fixed Firefighting Installation – SOLAS
  • Rescue Boats – SOLAS
  • Fire Detection Equipment – SOLAS

Source: USCG

Read here MSIB 16-15 the full bulleting for further details to include specific information on each of these five areas.