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Technical Notices

Panama Flag | MMC 144-Immersion Suits requirement, inspection and service

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The Panama Maritime Authority has revised Merchant Marine Circular MMC-144 (April 2023) regarding the implementation of the carriage of immersion suits onboard Panama flagged ship.

The followings are major revised parts:

  • For immersion suit and anti-exposure suit, air pressure test is to be conducted at three years intervals, and annually for suits over ten years of age according to MSC/Circ.1114.
  • Air pressure test for suits over ten years of age is required from the next periodical survey of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, on or after 1 June 2023.
  • It is recommended that the air pressure test is to be performed at a suitable shore-based facility equipped to make any necessary repairs in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • The air pressure test may be carried out on board ship if suitable equipment is available.

The requirement for carriage of immersion suits for use during drills is NOT amended.

For further details, please refer to the attached Circular.

Open the Technical Notice in pdf