




Panama Flag | Paris MoU Fire Door Inspection Campaign

The Panama Maritime Authority’s General Directorate of Merchant Marine (DCCM) has issued a Marine Notice (MMN-07/2024) to inform operators about the new Paris MoU Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) on fire doors.

  • Published
    23 Jul, 2024
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Panama Flag | Revision of PMA MMC-195 – LRIT conformance test

LRIT Conformance Testing and Certification for Panama-Flagged-Vessels is regulated by the Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Circular MMC-195 (last revision March 2024).

Panama Flag | MMC 398- PARIS MOU Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels.

Further to our circular TD 10471/2023 dated 31 July 2023 we would like to remind you  that Member Authorities of the Tokyo and the Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety in accordance with the relevant established MoUs procedures for Chapter II-2 of SOLAS and the Fire Safety Systems Code.

Panama Flag | MMC 144-Immersion Suits requirement, inspection and service

The Panama Maritime Authority has revised Merchant Marine Circular MMC-144 (April 2023) regarding the implementation of the carriage of immersion suits onboard Panama flagged ship

  • Published
    24 May, 2023
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Panama Flag | MMC 380- Measurements to Reduce PSC Detentions and improve the performance on Panamanian vessels

PMA has amended substantially the MMC-380 “Measurements to Reduce PSC Detentions and improve the performance on Panamanian vessels”, attached herewith.

Panama Flag | MMC-107: Publications and Records required on vessels of 500 gross tonnage or above with International Registration in the Panamanian Registry

Please be informed of the updated MMC-107 issued by PMA.

Panama Flag | PMA Resolution No. J.D. No. 045-2021 Certificate of inspection of crew accommodation (CICA)

PMA has issued Resolution No. J.D. No. 045-2021 dated June 29th., 2021 (attached) which “Approve the regulation for the issuance of the certificate of inspection of crew accommodation (CICA) and the issuance of its exemptions, dispensations and authorization of the ship registry of the Republic of Panama”

Panama Flag | PSC Circular No 25/2021 | RESOLUTION No.106-183-DGMM

PMA has issued the RESOLUTION No.106-183-DGMM, adopting technical, registry and administrative measures of a permanent nature, in order to improve the performance of the Panama Merchant Marine and reduce the number of detentions by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) or the different Memorandums of Understanding (MOU).

Panama Flag | Letter No. 109-01-014-DGMM-SEG-Liabilities & ISM Declaration

PMA has issued attached letter No. 109-01-014-DGMM-SEG encouraging all ROs during the annual company ISM audit as well as during the intermediate vessel ISM audit to check the validity of documents. (Related to liabilities & ISM declaration)

  • Published
    22 Jun, 2021
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Panama Flag | PSC Circular No 24/2021 | PMA MMN 13/2021

Panama currently belongs to the Paris MoU white list; however, it has been detected an increase of detentions in the Paris MoU, specifically in Italy. These detentions have in common that they are ships with Priority 1 in Paris MoU Inspection and Selection Scheme.

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