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Technical Notices

Panama Flag | MMC 398- PARIS MOU Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels.

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Further to our circular TD 10471/2023 dated 31 July 2023 we would like to remind you that Member Authorities of the Tokyo and the Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety in accordance with the relevant established MoUs procedures for Chapter II-2 of SOLAS and the Fire Safety Systems Code.

This inspection campaign will be held for three months, commencing from 01 September 2023 and ending 30 November 2023. Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will use a pre-defined questionnaire to assess that fire-fighting systems and equipment comply with the relevant requirements, that the master and crew members are familiar with operations relating to fire safety, and that equipment is properly maintained and functioning.

The Concentrated Inspection Campaign does not affect the type of inspection to be conducted in accordance with the procedures. Rather, it consists of a series of questions to be answered in addition to the inspection. These questions offer additional focus on areas where number of detainable deficiencies remain high. The CIC does not limit the PSCO during the regular inspection to check further compliance with all the relevant IMO Instruments regarding safety in general.

We attach an INSB Class Checklist based on the said pre-defined questionnaire for your easy reference and you may also find attached the relevant guidance to PSCO with respect to how they will answer the CIC questions related to fire safety.

Our attending INSB Surveyors will focus on the same items and complete the INSB checklist from now through the CIC period.

Please review/download the attached documents and prepare your vessel for the CIC accordingly.

Open the Circular in pdf