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Technical Notices

Panama Flag – MMC 381 revised U.S. Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels

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Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) has issued MERCHANT MARINE CIRCULAR MMC-381 regarding U.S. Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panamanian flagged vessels in order to decrease the detention numbers of vessels calling in the U.S. ports that may subject to PSC inspections.

Please make sure that Panamanian flagged vessels calling in the U.S ports are to prepare the checklist and send it to PMA ( by the following deadline, 1. or 2. For details, please refer to the attached “MMC-381” and “U.S. Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels”.

  1. Ninety-six hours (96hrs) before arrival at the U.S ports
  2. At least twenty-four hours (24hrs) before arrival at the U.S. ports for voyages less than 96 hours

Whenever equipment failures or any other situations that cannot be resolve on board the vessel immediately, Ship-Owners, operators, technical managers, DPA or vessel’s Master, are to be required to coordinate the effective corrective actions together with Recognized Organization and Segumar Offices. At the same time, please be noted that PSC Authority is to be informed.

Open the Circular in pdf