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Technical Notices

Panama Flag | PMA MMN 380-Measurres to reduce PSC Detentions on Panamanian vessels

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PMA has released the MMC-380 (replaces MMC-172 and its formats) related to PSC detention measures. Main topics of the circular are as follows:

  1. Following measurements to be applied as preventive-corrective actions to reduce PSC detentions:

1.1 ROs are responsible for a permanent verification of MoU´s websites to determine the status of vessels under its supervision.

1.2 ROs are responsible for the handling of detentions.

1.3 RO’s surveyors shall be pay attention to the following “Top Deficiencies”:

  1. Validity of all Statutory certificates (including annual/intermediate endorsements).
  2. Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) in general.
  3. Lifeboat falls (including renewal and reversal dates).
  4. Liferafts servicing (dates).
  5. Fire Fighting Systems & Equipment (in general).
  6. Emergency Fire Pumps (last test).
  7. Fire detention & alarm system (last service).
  8. Pyrotechnics (expiry date or expiration date).
  9. Records of weekly/monthly drills and equipment inspections (log book’s entries, SMS records).
  10. Nautical Publications & Charts (up to date).
  11. Oil Record Book + Oil Filtering Equipment (MARPOL 73/78 Annex I).
  12. Any outstanding statutory items and/or conditions of class (verify last class survey).
  13. Personnel Familiarization & Responsibility (ISM Code – Section 6).
  14. Maintenance of the Ship and Equipment (ISM Code – Section 10).
  15. Working & Living Conditions (MLC, 2006).

In above respect in the released survey instructions for Panama ships, items 1-12 to be mentioned in the instructions by Marine Surveys Division and items 13-15 by MMSC Division.

1.4   Ship-Owners/operators, are responsible to establish on board a pre-arrival verification, taken into account the above items, which must be verified at least 24 hours before arrival at ports.

1.5   In case of equipment failures or any other situations that cannot be resolved on board of the vessel immediately, operators, shall immediately coordinate the effective corrective actions, together with the vessel Recognized Organization and SEGUMAR Offices.

1.6 Relating to all deficiencies detected during a Port State Control Inspections the corrective actions taken by the vessel shall be sent as soon as possible and duly documented, to Panama Port State Control Section using the format in Annex 1 of the MMC 380 (or SMS relevant form or RO report format). 

  1. Recognized Organization (RO) responsibility with the detention
  • Administration accepts the RO responsibility criteria of the Tokyo MoU and Paris MoU.
  • A detainable deficiency is associated with the RO if it is:
  1. a serious structural deficiency including corrosion, wastage, cracking and buckling unless it is clear that the deficiency has occurred since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
  2. a serious deficiency in equipment or non-structural fittings (such as fire main, air pipes, cargo hatches, rails, masts, ventilation trunks/ducts, accommodation and recreational facilities etc.) AND it is less than ninety (90) days since the last survey conducted by the RO, unless it is clear that the deficiency has occurred since the last survey conducted by the RO; or
  3. a serious deficiency in equipment or non-structural fittings which clearly would have existed at the time of the last survey; or
  4. a serious deficiency associated with out-of-date equipment which was out-of-date at the time of the last survey; or
  5. a missing approval or endorsement of Plans and Manuals if required to comply with the provisions for issuance of statutory certificates which clearly would have existed at the time of the last survey; or
  6. a major non-conformity where there is clear evidence of a lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of the ISM Code AND there is clear evidence that it existed at the last audit conducted by the RO provided that the audit took place within the last ninety (90) days. It may also include operational drills and operational control and there is clear supporting evidence of failure;
  7. a detainable MLC-deficiency where there is clear evidence of a lack of implementation of a requirement of the MLC Code with respect to the accommodation and recreation facilities detailed in Regulation 3.1 in Title 3 and that it existed at the last inspection conducted by the RO.

2.3 The RO must have established procedures for the cases where, as a result of PSC inspection, there are deficiencies relating to RO responsibility and statutory certificates issued by the organization, detailing the actions to be followed to prevent and avoid her recurrence, including actions as Warning Note, Suspensions or Cancelation, to against surveyors who survey conducted to issued or endorsed a statutory certificate affected.

2.4   PMA may also be monitoring constantly the RO performance through the result of PSC inspections and where RO responsibility has been detected; it could be sanctioned on a case-by-case basis, according to the internal malpractice procedures.

All INSB Class Divisions to have present circular in mind when handling cases with Panama flagged ships.

Open the Circular in pdf