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Technical Notices

USCG Safety Alert 03-21 – Blocked freeing ports can trap seawater on deck reducing fishing vessel’s stability

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SAFETY ALERT was developed by USCG regarding subject case.

A recent marine casualty resulting in the capsizing of a commercial fishing vessel brought to light a potentially dangerous situation involving the closure of freeing ports. As the vessel dragged for sea scallops, a wave unexpectedly crashed over the port railing, causing the vessel’s deck to fill with seawater. The seawater, now trapped on deck, was unable to drain overboard as closure devices blocked all freeing ports. The investigation identified the closure of the freeing ports as a causal factor in why the vessel capsized.

The Coast Guard strongly recommends that vessel owners and operators:

  • Ensure freeing ports remain open at all times to allow seawater to drain freely off the
  • Ensure owners/operators discuss with their crews the hazards trapping seawater on deck can pose to vessel stability.
  • Come up with an alternate means to prevent loss of catch while maintaining adequate
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