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Technical Notices

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Flag | Circular PSC-032

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St. Vincent and the Grenadines Administration has issued the attached circular (PSC-032) in order to provide managing companies and ships’ officers with a tool intended to keep their ships ready for Port State Control Inspections and avoid an eventual detention together with administrative measures.

The following tools have been developed:

  • Record of PSC most common deficiencies;
  • Pre-arrival checklist to be filled in prior the arrival in port; and
  • A monthly Self-Verification checklist.


The on-board personnel should fill in the Pre-arrival Checklist prior the arrival in port. All Pre-arrival checklists and their results should be recorded in the ship’s Log Book.


The on-board personnel should fill in the Self-verification Checklist on a monthly basis. All Self-verification checklists and their results should be recorded in the ship’s Log Book. The correspondence to the Managers and their written instructions relating to the deficiencies should be attached to the checklist.

Managing Companies may use similar checklists drawn by their own Recognized Organization.

If a vessel is detained by a Port State Control, the Administration will request a copy of the last Self-verification checklist, a copy of the pre-arrival checklist items rectified and, if applicable, the entry in the ship’s logbook.

During the Annual Flag State Inspection and ISM audits (DOC and SMC) implementation of this Circular shall be verified.

Copies of the Pre-arrival checklist and Self-Verification checklists should be kept on board for eighteen (18) months.

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