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Technical Notices

Panama Flag | Circulars MMC 205 & MMC 206 Recognition of Company Security Officer (CSO)

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Panama Maritime Authority circulars MMC 205 and MMC 206, among others state:

Starting from the September 1st, 2017 the CSO Endorsement online application will be available on the Following website link:

After that date, the CSO Application will not be longer received by e-mail and only will be received through the aforementioned Website.

The Company Security Officer (CSO) according to the Section 13.1 Part A and the Guidance Recommended given in the Section 13.1 Part B of the ISPS Code has to complete an appropriate training and submit to this Administration through the Maritime Ships Security Department the Declaration of CSO with the following documents:

  • Declaration of CSO duly signed and stamped by Management Company (PMA APPLICATION FORM)
  • DOC (Document of Compliance), with copy of annual endorsement if it has taken place
  • Certificate of training IMO model course 3.20 issued in a training center for CSO principal and Alternative CSO (if apply).
  • Letter Head of experience signed and stamped where the CSO Principal / Alternative CSO worked as such (only if the course has more than 5 years of having been issued).
  • Any other necessary document to corroborate the information reflected in the CSO Declaration

Starting from September 1st, 2017 all Recognized Security Organizations (RSO) should verify during any ISPS Verifications, that the Company Security Officer designed by the Company Operator, already has the Declaration of Company Security Officer duly endorsement by Panama Maritime Authority and indicate the name of the CSO in the Audit Report in accordance with chapter XI-2 of SOLAS and part A.6 Obligations of the Company of the ISPS code.

The Panama Maritime Authority will issue an International Ship Security Certificate ISSC (Full Term) when the RSO carried out the verification, complies with the requirements established by this MMC-205 and when the company has obtained the CSO endorsement previously with PMA.

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