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Flag State Services

San Marino Ship Registry expands INSB Class RO status

Effective 15 February 2023, INSB Class is pleased to announce that it has been granted with full RO delegation status by the San Marino Ship Registry and is ...

Authorisation by Bahamas Maritime Authority

INSB Class is pleased to inform of its most recent flag delegation by the Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) as a Yacht Survey Organisation (YSO) for survey and ...

Authorisation by San Marino

Effective 12 May 2022, INSB Class is pleased to announce that has been delegated authority as a Recognized Organization by the San Marino Ship Register (SMSR) ...

Authorisation by Guinea-Bissau

INSB Class is delighted to announce that has validated an IMO Model Agreement with the International Ships Registry of Guinea – Bissau (G-B International), ...

Authorisation by Sierra Leone (SL MARAD)

Effective 2nd September 2021, we are pleased to announce that INSB Class has been awarded Recognized Organization (RO) status by the Sierra Leone ...

INSB Class concludes RO status by MARINA, Philippines

Effective 19th August 2021, we are pleased to announce that INSB Class has concluded and confirmed its RO status by the Maritime Industry Authority ...

Authorisation by Libyan Flag State

Effective 26th March 2021, we are pleased to announce that INSB Class has been delegated Recognized Organization status by the LIBYAN Ports & Maritime ...

Authorisation by Vanuatu Ship Registry – VMSL

Effective 25th February 2020, we are pleased to announce that INSB Class has been awarded Recognized Organization status by the Vanuatu Flag Administration ...

Authorisation by IRI-Marshall Islands for yachts

Effective 1st January 2019, INSB Class is pleased to announce that has been delegated with authority as a Recognized Organization by the Republic ...

Έκδοση Διαπιστωτικής πράξης από το ΥΝΑΝΠ

Υπεγράφη την 30/01/2019 από τον Υπουργό Ναυτιλίας και Νησιωτικής Πολιτικής η «Διαπιστωτική Πράξη» σύμφωνα με την οποία ο INSB Class συμμορφώνεται ...

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